
copyright etc.

* Copyright / Permissions *

You are welcome to copy and distribute my work, as long as you keep the packages and
their content complete and UNMODIFIED and respect the credits.
Though instead of hosting the packages on your page, you just may want to link to the desired page here, to always have the latest version of the package.
you are welcome to use any of the images of this page if you like.
But in no case you are authorized to charge any fee.

* Disclaimer *

The packages are provided "as are" without warranty of any kind, neither expressed nor implied. The author will not be held responsible for any losses incurred, neither directly nor indirectly by the use of these packages. The author will neither be held responsible for any health problems (e.g. epileptic fits, fits of rage or any kind of addiction) incurred neither directly nor indirectly by the use of these packages.

* Declaration *

These packages are no Microprose/Simergy/infogrames products and there is no connection between the author and those companies nor with Geoff Crammond nor members of his team.

Grandprix2, Grandprix3 and Grandprix4 are copyright © Geoff Crammond.

addie walti 2012-16 - All Rights Reserved.